About Us

Spirit of the Dragonfly is actually two spirits. Jan Burdick and Jo Willis are twin sisters who together balance a love of science with artistic beauty. Jan, a PhD of Pharmacy, saw her first orgonite display at a MAPS conference in Oakland, California, in 2017. Intrigued by orgonite’s ability to cleanse electromagnetic fields (EMFs), Jan immediately determined that orgonites placed in living spaces could serve an additional purpose by balancing art and science. Jo, a textile design artist, quickly shared Jan’s vision, and they began adding intentions and precious harmonious stones to infuse their orgonites with extra healing properties and artistic beauty. Each Spirit of the Dragonfly orgonite is individually handcrafted.

“Intentions are energy. Energy is everything. I think it is the future of healing.”
–Jan Burdick



50% Complete

Two Step

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